Our Story

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I started on Etsy about 2 years ago basically because I was impressed with the whole concept of a handmade marketplace and I wanted to contribute a little something to it! I'm amazed that things I've made have ended up all over the world by now.

My first jewelry pieces were wire crochet bracelets and earrings. I used the same methods I already knew from crocheting yarn, and with a little help from some amazing library books, I applied those stitches and techniques to wire. The results were amazing and the possibilities appealed to my imagination! When I first began I couldn't believe what started as a roll of wire could end up in this amazing piece of jewelry.

After about a year of making wire crochet jewelry, I decided I wanted to learn some more traditional metalsmithing techniques for jewelry making. I bought a torch for soldering silver and in spite of my fears, jumped right in. I had a few mishaps (burned a hole in my kitchen counter), but after I figured out the techniques I really started to love soldering and all I can do with it. Slowly I started working on different designs and with time I am learning even more intricate techniques to bring my designs to life.

I love clean lines and modern designs, so I try to incorporate that into the look of my shop. I feel like part of modern design is knowing how to make things environmentally friendly, so I try to make "green" designs as much as I can. I order my silver and gold from a company that recycles their precious metals, so all my rings are eco-friendly. I've researched natural ways to oxidize, or darken, my silver and also a natural way to clean it after soldering. Even the boxes I package my rings in are made with recycled cardboard. Doing this I feel really great about my shop without worrying what bad effects I'm having on something else.

Look around and enjoy, and I hope to keep unfolding my story with more unique designs!